I first spoke with Prince Paul in September 2012 for an interview that covered pretty much his whole career. The interview got a great response when it went up online, particularly the questions about the Gravediggaz. Since then I wanted to reconnect with him to discuss the first Gravediggaz record in more detail. It is a stone cold classic in my opinion and I had a lot of questions for him.
I finally got the opportunity to speak with Paul again last week and I focussed the entire hour long interview on the creation of Niggamortis/6 Feet Deep. Paul was in an especially talkative mood so the interview is really in depth. We breakdown the album track-by-track as well as discussing the problems he had trying to get a deal for the group, getting the record out and much more.
I feel this is the definitive interview when it comes to 6 Feet Deep, I don’t think Paul has ever spoken in as much detail about the making of this album. So sit back, take some time and enjoy the read... Like I said, it’s very long!
The interview is up on hiphopsite.com as well as Wu-International.com but I thought I'd post it here too for you guys...
Interview conducted by Pattch82 (pattch82@gmail.com)
Interview Date: July 18th 2013
PATTCH82: Wassup Paul, how are you…?
PRINCE PAUL: Yeah I’m good, just getting my day started. How you doing…?
P82: Yeah I’m good. I wanted to focus the interview on the making of the first Gravediggaz record if that’s cool with you…? It’s a personal classic of mine and I got a lot of questions! Haha…
PAUL: OK yeah, no problem.